hamachi: Temporary failure in name resolution (linux)

This either means your internal network (inside VPN) DNS can't be found (maybe at some point it will be) or hamachi has not started up.

The first thing to try is to ping a fixed ip address inside you target network. If that works than the DNS server inside the target network is not yet visible or has disappeared. TBH I've no idea how to fix this. I have started to make servers inside the corporate network have static ip addresses so that the local hosts file can be configured.

If the ping fails than it is likely that the service has not started, so try 'sudo hamachi'. Just because it said it started it may not have so check that the process is running 'ps -ef | grep hamachid'.

If the process did not start try running it manually; 'sudo /opt/logmein-hamachi/bin/hamachid', then check to see if its running.

I am now finally counting down to a replacement firewall and VPN hardware... hamachi is fine for a small business or a home situation however IMHO it is not well supported or understood for a company where you are dependent upon VPN working all the time.
