Local Live streaming with Ubuntu 20.04, OBS, ThiEYE

This is a work in progress.

Live-streaming has become harder as the main platforms require a large number of followers before you can live-stream.

I need to live-stream to a small number of people who are within shouting distance of me... Basically presentation.

Install obs-studio (not actually required unless you want to do some fancy stuff).

This is to setup an nginx server with the rtmp extension.

Connect the mobile phone to the ThiEYE camera WiFi.

Start the ThiEYE Live stream application. Connect to the camera.

Under Live:
  • Setup the WiFi network to stream on.
  • Set any video resolution etc...
  • Under Live Platform, Custom: rtmp://
'live' is my application name setup in nginx.

'test2' is the play key.

Note that there is only one ':' in the string and no trailing '/'.

Press Start Live on the app.

Point the camera at the QR code. You can find the Live Stream setting on the main setting menu of the camera.

Start VLC on a device.

Use the URL in Open Network Stream: 
  • rtmp://
  • Custom entry provides no ability to edit.
  • Restart VLC if you change the connection.
  • Removing usb power from camera and reattaching causes it to freeze.
