Signing a deb package... and verifying it (ubuntu 18.04)

There appears to be two ways to sign a package.
  • debsigs
  • dpkg-sig
I have not been able to sign and verify using debsigs.

Sign and verify with dpkg-sig appears to work.

The two approaches are not compatible, i.e. signing with one can not be verified with the other.

Generate GPG Keys

Generate a PGP key to use.

gpg --gen-key

Export public key:

gpg --export >mykey.asc

Get finger print (will list all):

gpg --fingerprint

pub   rsa3072 2020-02-26 [SC] [expires: 2022-02-25]
      1876 089E B713 1C18 EB28  6BB9 4A4A E957 573F A98C
uid           [ultimate] my name <>
sub   rsa3072 2020-02-26 [E] [expires: 2022-02-25]


Sign my package (I only have one key):

dpkg-sig --sign origin MY_PACKAGE-0.1.0-Linux.deb

Verify the signing:

dpkg-sig --verify MY_PACKAGE-0.1.0-Linux.deb

Processing MY_PACKAGE-0.1.0-Linux.deb...
GOODSIG _gpgorigin 1876089EB7131C18EB286BB94A4AE957573FA98C 1582793634

This does not verify that the package signing is sealed, it only verifies that the package has been signed and that it has not been modified. You need to check the public key is trusted (see fingerprint above).


These are on going notes, i.e. its not working...

I believe that this is broken see:

Sign the package:

debsigs --sign=origin MY_PACKAGE-0.1.0-Linux.deb

Verify the package (dependent on policies):

debsig-verify --list-policies MY_PACKAGE-0.1.0-Linux.deb
debsig-verify MY_PACKAGE-0.1.0-Linux.deb

Copy public key to Debian signing verification location. Note the string in bold.

mkdir /usr/share/debsig/keyrings/4A4AE957573FA98C
gpg --no-default-keyring       --keyring \
       /usr/share/debsig/keyrings/4A4AE957573FA98C/debsig.gpp \
       --import mykey.asc

Create a Debian policy file for key:

mkdir /etc/debsig/policies/4A4AE957573FA98C
cd !$
vi test.pol

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Policy xmlns="">

  <Origin Name="test" id="4A4AE957573FA98C" Description="Test package"/>

    <Required Type="origin" File="debsig.gpg" id="4A4AE957573FA98C"/>

   <Verification MinOptional="0">
    <Required Type="origin" File="debsig.gpg" id="4A4AE957573FA98C"/>
